
Film & TV
Major Crimes Guest Star TNT (Michael M. Robin, dir.)
The Spirit of 4/20 Lead (Hunter) Nick Weiss, dir.
8/19 Lead Brent McHenry, dir.
We Are Loud Whispers (Glossalalia) Lead Cassandra Lee Hamilton, dir.
Special Skills
Plays Drums, Violin, Track&Field: 5K Runner, Qualifier for Jr. Olympics 100m dash (2015); Football, Basketball,
Voiceover artist, Hiking, Snow skiing, Artist, Flashmobber, Fabulous sense of humor, Comic illustrator, KIDROBOT collector! Great with animals & kids, Nike KD and Jordan shoe designer and collector
The Face in the Reeds Mose (Lead) Ruskin Group Theatre,
Sarah Figoten Wilson, dir.
The Love Line Lead Santa Monica Playhouse
D-day in D-land Lead Santa Monica Playhouse
Power Play Lead Santa Monica Playhouse
Grease (Beauty School Dropout) Teen Angel Star Kids, Julie Hogan, dir.
Dreamscapes Lead Santa Monica Playhouse
Commercials (all principal roles)
Burger King
Knotts Berry Farm
Training & Workshops
Acting Zak Barnett Zak Barnett Studios, Margie Haber Studio
Amy Ruskin (Meisner) Ruskin School of Acting
John Cirigliano, Cheryl Faye, Billy Hufsey
Evelyn Rudie, Chris DeCarlo Santa Monica Playhouse
Singing Aubrey Buchanan
Acting Workshop Shakespeare Globe Theatre of London
Drums Denise Frasier, Michael “Beans” Benigno
Dance Tor Campbell Your Neighborhood Studio
Violin Jim Wang, Hilary Klee, Bonnie Lockrem